A Tale of Love and Identity
Once upon a time, in a moment of serendipity that would shape my journey forever, the name "ZAH" came into existence. It wasn't just a name; it was a testament to the bond between the three most important people in my life - my father, my son, and myself.
It all started seven years ago, a period marked by love, laughter, and the profound connection I shared with my loved ones. My son, Zidan, brought boundless joy and meaning into my world with his infectious laughter and curious spirit. His name, starting with the letter "Z," symbolized his presence as a beacon of light in my life.
My father, Ashour, was my pillar of strength and wisdom, guiding me through life's challenges with unwavering support and love. His name, beginning with the letter "A," represented his enduring presence and influence in shaping the person I have become.
And then there was me, Hany, the amalgamation of my experiences, dreams, and aspirations. My name initiated by the letter "H" reflected my journey of self-discovery and growth, a reminder of the person I strived to be for myself and my loved ones.
As fate would have it, one day while playing with the letters of our names, an arrangement emerged that captured the essence of our bond - ZAH. In that moment of realization, I knew that those three letters encapsulated the love, strength, and identity that defined me.
With ZAH, I found a name that resonated with my soul, a symbol of the love and connection that tied us together in a beautiful tapestry of family and self-discovery. It wasn't just a name; it was a story of love, of legacy, and of the profound bond that shaped my identity.
And so, with gratitude in my heart and a sense of belonging in my soul, I embraced the name ZAH as a tribute to the love that binds us together and the journey of self-realization that continues to unfold. ZAH - a name, a story, a legacy of love and identity, forever etched in the tapestry of my life.



We are dreaming of changing the life of people.